1st - 3rd April 2025
Paris - Porte de Versailles - Pav. 1

The Frescoes

The Freight Fresco: an immersive, collaborative experience

Who is it for?

Since January 2024, this workshop has been transforming transport strategies, from COMEX to business teams, to accelerate decarbonisation.

Not to be missed! 

An exclusive 55-minute session each day, designed especially for visitors to the show, focusing on exchange and action. 

🔎 The programme:

  •  The 5 major environmental challenges facing the transport industry
  •  The impact of business teams and their key role
  •  The 5 concrete levers for decarbonising freight
  •  Feedback from committed shippers

📅 When ?

Tuesday 1 to Thursday 3 April, 11.30am - 12.30pm

Limited places per session - Prior registration required for show participants only

In partnership with l'AUTF et OVRSEA

The Logistics Fresco: an educational workshop

Why should you take part? 

This fun and educational workshop is designed to raise awareness of the environmental consequences of the supply chain, with the aim of getting employees on board for the transition on a massive scale! 

Who is it for? 

All employees involved in the logistics sector, from operational staff to managers. The fresco is also a tool to help students understand the challenges of the supply chain.

What was the background to the Fresco? 

Created at the instigation of the members of Club Déméter, this fresco seeks to raise awareness of the environmental challenges facing the sector and to translate them into concrete action on the ground.

Since its launch at SITL 2024, Club Demeter has carried out 900 awareness campaigns.

📅 When ?

Tuesday 1 to Thursday 3 April, 10.30am to 11.30am

Limited places per session - Prior registration required for show participants only

In partnership with Club Demeter

The city delivery fresco: a discovery workshop

A fun, collaborative tool to raise awareness of the challenges of sustainable urban logistics.

Who is it for and why should you take part?

This fun tool can be used by teachers and students in the transport-logistics field, or by local authorities, to introduce students to the interdependencies of urban logistics.

It encourages participation by taking a variety of approaches, with a real case study in consultation between urban logistics players: hauliers, retailers, citizens and local authorities,

The fresco was developed for the InTerLUD+ programme (territorial innovation in sustainable urban logistics) on the basis of local consultations.

🔎 On the programme:

An exclusive 1h/day session every afternoon, specially adapted for the show, based around 4 activities:

  • Sharing the road in a limited space
  • The need for consultation to optimise actions in favour of urban logistics
  • The notion of compromise
  • The social and environmental impacts involved.

📅 When ?

Tuesday 1 to Thursday 3 April, 2pm to 3pm.

Places are limited to 12 participants per session - Prior registration required for show participants only

In partnership avec Interlud

Freight workshop

Why should you take part? 

The Planet Workshops were designed on a voluntary basis by consultancy firms to enable the conclusions of the Shift Project's Plan for the Transformation of the French Economy (PTEF) to be disseminated on a large scale. 

And Blue Choice designed the Freight workshop, on long-distance overland freight in France (road, river and rail) + an optional module on the last KM for the players involved. 

The aim: to build or update your decarbonisation roadmap.


Who is it for? 

It is aimed at all those involved in goods transport (shippers, carriers, public authorities). This workshop can also be used to organise sector-specific inter-company workshops (shipper-carrier, for example).

📅 When? Every day at 3pm - Duration: 50min